Showing posts with label BITSAT Test Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BITSAT Test Series. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

How do you prepare for BITSAT chemistry factual questions?


When it comes to the chemistry section of the BITSAT, it is simply not an option to ignore any part of the NCERT book. The main reason for selecting these books is that, in order to prepare questions for the BITSAT's Chemistry section, examiners frequently only consult NCERT chemistry textbooks. As a result, it is important to thoroughly review all NCERT chemistry textbooks in order to perform well in the section. BITSAT is an online exam. Therefore, completing the BITSAT Test Series can be quite beneficial in preparing you for the questions and time constraints you will face on test day. 

Organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry make up the chemistry section of BITSAT in the most basic sense. These three chemistry stems can be used to construct factual questions. Topics such as chemical bonding, atomic structure, p-block elements, mole concepts, biomolecules, electrochemistry, chemical thermodynamics, and alkanes are likely to be covered in the test. BITSAT includes 40 chemistry-related questions. Thirty-five are hypothetical in nature, while the remaining are based on actual events. 

What is the best approach to tackling the three components of chemistry? 

Organic Chemistry 

To be successful in this area of chemistry, one must be well-versed in both general organic chemistry and isomerism theory. For the BITSAT 2023 Syllabus, you should take notes on all probable reactions. In addition, you must have a fundamental understanding of mechanical systems. These chapters may contain a few queries that seem minor to you. As a result, it is highly recommended that you read through nearly everything.


Inorganic Chemistry 

Inorganic chemistry is a broad area, so it's not a good idea to cover it all in one piece. In this case, NCERT textbooks are really essential. In addition, you can develop your own notes and stick to them in order to combat inorganic chemistry. Give atomic structure and chemical bonding more time in your schedule. Take care not to spend too much time on the preparation of p-Block Elements, biomolecules, or electrochemistry.


Physical Chemistry 

Numerical and factual questions are the focus of this portion of physical chemistry. If you want to do well in physical chemistry, you need to spend more time working on your numerical reasoning skills. 


Several online assessments are available for your review and study. Masterclass Space’s BITSAT Online Test Series simulates the exam experience, allowing you to test your actual performance under time constraints. The ability to solve problems quickly is critical in BITSAT and should be prioritized. Ionic Equilibrium, Chemical Equilibrium, and Gas Laws are just a handful of the most important aspects of chemistry. You can also cover other topics, but not in depth. There are some topics in the BITSAT syllabus that are more significant than others. It's vital to study them all, but some are more important than others. 

Reach out for Online Preparation of BITSAT designed by BITS Pilani alumnus themselves.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

BITSAT 2022: Analysis of 4th and 5th July papers of BITSAT along with some memory-based questions

BITSAT has started from 4th July in its new pattern and same is true for experience of students this year. In this article we bring you detailed analysis of papers attempted by various student on 4th and 5th July and also will be sharing some important questions and insights for students who are yet to attempt the exam.

This article is based on the interaction of Academic team of Masterclass Space (MCS) BITSAT Test Series with students of Masterclass Space BITSAT Test Series. Also, since paper of BITSAT is completely different for each student, hence this analysis is sum up of various tests our students attempted in last 2 days and not limited to one particular set of paper.


First and foremost, many students felt that level of questions was little higher as compared to papers of past years. This was very much expected as the number of questions have been decreased keeping the time same and MCS team had already incorporated that in its revised test series of 2022.


Secondly, level of 4-5 (out of 20 as per New Pattern of BITSAT 2022) logical reasoning question was very good and students had to spend good amount of time in such questions. BEWARE of such questions in your exam, you MUST NOT spend too much time on any question as it can very badly affect your speed. Try to mark them for review and come back once you have attempted other questions.


As far as English was concerned, students found some new vocabulary terms difficult but otherwise it was manageable. Extremely lengthy comprehension with only 2 questions took some students by surprise.


Coming to Mathematics section, the difficulty level was on higher side and as many as 6-7 questions required extensive calculations. Students were mostly expecting the same though as same has been trend of Mathematics section in JEE 2022 Session-1 and same was true also in initial 2 days of BITSAT.


Chemistry and Physics were of NCERT and slightly higher level and that's where BITSAT was marks-scoring and time-saving for most of students. Those who could capitalize on these 2 sections were able to spend good time in remaining portions.


Overall, level of BITSAT was higher as compared to previous years but our students were well prepared for the same and hence were able to do good.


For benefits of other students, we are sharing some memory-based questions:



1. What happens to the electric field strength inside a dodecahedral conductor when the charge on it is doubled?

(a) doubled

(b) halved

(c) four times

(d) remains same



2. Mass of a particle is doubled, while its de Broglie wavelength remains constant, what happens to its velocity?

(a) doubled

(b) halved

(c) four times

(d) ¼ th



3. Bar magnets can be considered as dipoles. Which of the following cannot be considered as dipoles?

(a) ring

(b) solenoid

(c) electromagnet

(d) wire




4. In any closed packing, ratio between number of tetrahedral voids and octahedral voids is

(a) 2 : 1

(b) 1 : 2

(c) 1 : 1

(d) Depends on type of lattice



5. Fe3O4 is _____ in nature

(a) Diamagnetic

(b) Ferromagnetic

(c) Anti-ferromagnetic

(d) Ferrimagnetic



6. Dentacity of EDTA is -- and charge is ---

(a) tetra, -4

(b) hexa, -6

(c) tetra, -2

(d) hexa, -4



English Proficiency:

7. Formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named is called like 'sizzle' is called

(a) onomatopoeia

(b) phonetics

(c) phonomerism

(d) Vocalistics



8. Find the odd one out

(a) specimen

(b) exemplar

(c) instance

(d) Eventful



Logical reasoning:

9. Medicine: Sickness:: Book:?

(a) Ignorance

(b) Knowledge

(c) Author

(d) Teacher



10. Which number will come next in the following series 8,15,28,53,...?

(a) 98

(b) 106

(c) 100

(d) 102




11. If the difference between mean and mode is 21, then the difference between mean and median is

(a) 7

(b) 21

(c) 63

(d) 42

Ans. a


12. The maximum value of is




(d) None of these

Ans. c


So if you are yet to attempt your BITSAT exam, you can get benefitted if you keep these important pointers in mind.


Best wishes from Masterclass Space!

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